Similarly, minimum and maximum characteristics have been introduced. This is especially good for AG, because the whole “minus the player’s AG from 7 and add or subtract X” thing was clunky and bad and this is much simpler to work with and teach new players. So, when taking an AG, PG, or AV test, coaches now refer to the target number on the player’s profile. That is, Instead of AV 9, now you have an AV of 10+. Player CharacteristicsĪgility (AG), Passing Ability (PA, more on that in a bit), and Armor Value (AV) have all changed to show target numbers instead of a numerical value, bringing them in line with Games Workshop’s more modern design sensibilities.

The function of tackle zones hasn’t changed though, only the term referring to them. Also on the terminology side is the addition of “Marked” players – A player in an opposing team’s player’s tackle zone is now said to be Marking that opponent.

There are a number of core rule changes to be aware of with this edition, from minor but helpful tweaks to terminology and definitions – Deviate, Scatter, and Bounce are all clearly defined in the rules now, making it possible for later rules descriptions can refer to the term and not have to constantly redefine them – to major changes like the addition of the Passing Ability characteristic. Today we’re going to talk about the major changes to the game so that once you have your new rulebook in hand you can hit the ground running on games in the new edition.

We’ll dig deeper into the implications of these changes and how we feel about them and their impact on the game as a whole in our upcoming Blood Bowl round table article. If there’s something I missed or you have a question or concern, feel free to drop me a line over at and we’ll get it sorted! On to the changes! Most are pretty minor, but there are at least a few that will have big impacts on the game. Strap on those pads, Sports Fans! This article is going to be a lengthy one, as there are a ton of changes packed into the new edition of Blood Bowl. New coaches ought to go check out our Getting Started with Blood Bowl article for a more broad overview of the game. This article is geared towards Blood Bowl veterans, as I’ll be going through the new book with a fine-toothed comb and logging all of the changes. Hey there, sports fans! Welcome to Goonhammer’s coverage of the new edition of Blood Bowl! We’ve got quite a few rabid Blood Bowl fans on staff, and we’re all very excited to ‘kick off’ coverage of what is some of the most fun you can have with a tabletop game.